Monday, April 15, 2013

The Power of Hug



Last Saturday (13.04.3013), Amir and mama had go to Hospital Pusrawi Kajang, which hospital that I had delivered Amir last year. Amir had coughing and flu for a week. Although, he had been go to clinic on last Friday (05.04.2013) which mama suddenly need to take Emergency Leave to take care of Amir, he didn't cure yet...

Mama also not feeling well since mama got flu and cough...So the doctor had checked mama first before Amir...

When the doctor checked mama (some sort of by using his stethoscope) to check mama's condition, Amir had staring at mama and the doctor...Maybe, he wondering why the doctor checked his mama...the looked that he had give was he really-really curious what's problem with his mama...

After the doctor finished checked mama, suddenly he hug mama like he really care and love mama so much and don't want anything happen to mama

(or something like that)...Mama feel like had been blessed by Allah that had giving mama a child that had although still small, but still can feel what we feel...

Then, his turn...usually Amir really afraid if doctor want to checked his chest and his tongue but that day, he just sit and relax when the doctor checked him...It really surprise mama...Because before that, mama had hug him and said mama and papa really love him and want him to cure fastly so he can play and grow as usual and normally.

After that time, mama realize that that's a Power of Hug that we all need to practise to always hug our children...because one day we will getting old and our children are getting grow and grow...and if we didn't do it now, we didn't know in future whether they still want us to hug them or they shame if we will hug them...

Mama really want to hug my children until one day, they really proud of themselves if they hug mama although mama already can't reply their hug again...