Tuesday, October 18, 2022

How fast time flies

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 
 Allahumma Solli Ala Muhammad


Alhamdulillah ala kulli haal. How fast time flies. She already seven years old this year. Allahu.

I still can remember clearly how she was not so good condition inside my womb, plus I also had problem in my pregnancy. Then, how hospital had become our first home, which we need to 'check-in' every month and at the end, we 'check-in' for more than a month. The longest is 3 months. Believe it or not. Huhuhu.

But still Allah is the best planner. Although her current condition is not as normal child but we still trying our best to catch up any late mileage especially in weight and height. If possible I can transfer my fat especially in my arms, thigh and stomach, surely I will do it. Hahaha.

Yesterday, she had first time feeling for tooth extraction, a few days after her 7th birthday. Surely she crying loudly because it was not 1 only, it was 2 tooth extraction. How come she didn't crying out loudly. But luckily, she manage it well and she said, the pain only for a while, not for so long and she crying because she afraid with the process.


Yeah, long way to go my honey. There is several teeth that will be extract when the time is come. Be prepared well ya. Hehehe

Sorry darling for this late wish but Umie hope it didn't too late to wish you on your 7th birthday which :
Semoga menjadi anak yang solehah, penyejuk hati ummi dan ayah. Semoga menjadi pejuang agama Allah. Semoga menjadi adik yang penyayang kepada abang, keluarga dan ummah. Semoga berjaya di dunia dan akhirah. Semoga kudrat yang ada dicurahkan untuk menabur jasa dan bakti buat ummah walau apa jua yang dilakukan. 
Last but not least, my prayer always with you my solehah daughter, and also to your brother too. Be the best version of yourself but at the same time, keep Allah SWT and Rasulullah S.A.W always in your heart. May Allah SWT keep guiding you with what ever you do. Insya Allah, aamiin

Lot's of love,

P/S : Sorry for mix language because I feel more comfortable wish for my solehah daughter in Malay, rather in English. And also, please accept my broken English, if there is any. Hehehe